Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Local Natives, Too...

Well, I've had a week with the Local Natives album, Gorilla Manor. It' s my favorite so far this year (even more than Spoon and VW). If you remotely like Fleet Foxes, you must bend an ear.

That's all -


Callen and Michael Martin said...

i MORE than remotely like Fleet Foxes. I will pass this on to Martin hasta pronto.

A said...

streaming it now, and you're right, its good stuff.

can't place who the singer reminds me of, but i like this better than FF . . . the background video on their website is kinda tripping me out though.

A said...

its the FORMAT!! that's who the singer kinda reminds me of.

Will said...

The Format......RIP - "The First Single" was a big favorite of Whit and I back in the day....