Saturday, April 4, 2009

SNL, Step Up!

After some pretty weak shows this year (and some good moments, too), let me say, " SNL, don't be lame tonight". Seth Rogen is hosting with one of my favorite bands and the only thing I like that is French - Phoenix. Their new album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (more on it to come on FWYH) comes out in May, and their last one (see above) was one of my favorites of 2006 and is a must own in my humble opinion. Check em out tonight. If you like you can download their lead song, "1901", for free on their website (here). Hope you enjoy! Whitney always knows them as - "Isn't that Sofia Coppola's baby's daddy?".


UPDATE (4/5) -
L'avez-vous vu ? Incroyable !


Anonymous said...

Phoenix (band).
Who eventually became Daft Punk.
Watch Phoenix Band April 4TH 2009 – Saturday Night Live on NBC.

Will said...

one word - Wrong...

A said...

that first song was sweet!!!

then i got sucked into metallica's Rock n Roll HoF induction ceremonialism . . .

Will said...

they played 3 songs - I honestly have never seen that EVER in the hx of SNL? at the end of the show Seth Rogen said, "thanks to the cast and crew (blah, blah blah). Once again, Phoenix!"
they played another song while the credits rang - crazy