Monday, April 28, 2008


Martin and I are always talking music when I'm in town. Why? B/C! This weekend a sad reality was again brought to my attention. So many bands come through Boston (too many to keep up with). I promised myself when I got here I would take advantage of all the entertainment at my disposal. I've been to 4 concerts in one yr....BOOOOOO! (Kings of Leon, Rilo Kiley,Cat Power, Vampire Weekend) Not exactly living up to my intentions. Frequently (read: almost always), I plan on goin and never do. Case in point, the Pipettes - had tickets and didn't even go....and now 2/3 Pipettes quit last week - missed my chance. Now - I am at a crossroads, Secret Machines are here Wed night.....will I go? I've already seen them at the Ryman 2 yrs ago - awesome - but this will be in a tiny club. Their drummer is like a little Bonham (b/c that kind of label has never been applied......oh wait no). This all hinges on Nacho. Concerts are like workouts. You've got to have a spotter/accountability partner. There are those days when you just don't want to workout or run. The same can be said for your partner. The same goes for concerts. Maybe I don't think I can make it. Your friend says, "you have to go!" You go. No one wants to go to a show alone. If I can convince Dr. Sanz-Martin (Nacho) - I'll be there. Otherwise, another opportunity is a SM video and some good celebrity seeeecrets just for laughs....Tom Hanks and ol' John McCain (for McCain - skip ahead about half-way if you don't wanna listen to Conie)


Will said...

come on, kitty! no love for the McCain (seeeecrets)?